Trekking Equipments List
Waterproof/windproof Jacket
Sun Glass/Sunscreen and Hat/Cap
Trekking Shoes/Socks
Small Alarm clock
Slide on shoes or sport shoes for wearing in teahouse or camp. (Different than your trekking shoes.)
Refillable water bottle and water purification tablets
Prescription glasses and contact lens solution if required
Personal hygiene products (female hygiene products like tampons can be bought in Thamel.)
Personal Climbing Gears
Lightweight travel towel
Ice crampons (if you are trekking on snow)
Hiking Stick
Group Climbing Gears
Flexible clothes with multi layers those are easy to wash and dry
First aid kit (including any personal items; mole-skin or blister prevention/remedy)
Extra warm clothing during winter (December to February) – Down jackets/pant
Comfortable walking shoes
Camera memory cards with spare batteries