Tibet Travel Info

  • About Tibet

    Tibet is an autonomous region of China bordered with India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma and Kashmir. It is one of the remote and mysterious Buddhist kingdom ...

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  • General Information for the Pilgrims

    Temperature and Weather: Weather conditions from May to September in Tibet can be expected to be dry and sunny, with precipitants in July and August, day ...

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  • How to get in Tibet

    Tibet is easily accessible from all parts of the world as there are numerous of connections with highways and air networks. The connections are for ...

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  • Place to see in Tibet

    Potala Palace Potala Palace is one of the most amazing architectural and the most amazing building to visit in Tibet. It is said that this palace ...

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  • Travel Information

    There requires a special permit for anyone travelling in Tibet. The permits yet time is not granted either, because the Chinese government bars tourists entering ...

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